Sunday 4 December 2016

Convex Mirror

                            Convex Mirror      

                 A convex mirror is also known as diverging mirror or the fish eye mirror. The reflective surface of the convex mirror bulges towards the light source. Convex mirrors reflect the light falling on them outwards. The image of the object formed by a convex mirror is always virtual. Also the image formed is smaller than the actual size of the object.

Uses of Convex Mirror

1. Convex mirrors are used inside buildings.
2.  They are used in sunglasses

3. Convex mirrors are used in vehicles.
4. Use of convex mirror in securities.
5.  Convex mirrors use also used as street light reflectors because they are able to spread light over a bigger area.
6.  They are also put on corners of roads so that you can see any cars coming to avoid collisions.


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