Sunday 17 March 2019

National Seminar on Catalytic Factors of Social Science Research

Research Centre in Education NSS Training college pandalam organized a two day national seminar on 13 th and 14th December 2018. The theme of the seminar was Catalytic Factors of Social Science Research. The sub themes of the seminar were ,
1. Varieties of Educational Research
2. Gender Equality Concerns
3. ICT in Research
4. Authentic Research
5. Ethical Aspects of Research
6. Paradigm shift in Educational Research

The seminar was inaugurated by Dr.Biju K , Faculty Central University of Tamilnadu.

Session 2 National Seminar
Dr. Vimal Kumar, MG University

Session 3 
Dr.Sameer Babu, Assistant Professor Dept.of Education University of Kerala

Session 4
Dr. Rajeshwari, Associate professor GCTE Kozhikodu

Paper presentation

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